surgery & medicine
Specialized in eyelid surgery and trained by American pioneers of eye surgery, Dr Hayot performs unique interventions personalized for each patient.
Specialized in eyelid surgery and trained by American pioneers of eye surgery, Dr Hayot performs unique interventions personalized for each patient.
« Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, said Oscar Wilde; I like to look at my patients and make them more beautiful. »
Docteur Bernard Hayot
Botox injections are used to treat wrinkles (forehead, crow’s feet, mouth), hyperhidrosis and improve skin quality.
Facial lipostructure or lipofilling is an ideal fat injection treatment for skin rejuvenation.
Nano-lipofilling, also known as “fat transfer” or “nano fat grafting”, is a good procedure for combatting the effects of facial aging.
Aesthetic Medicine is a relatively new cosmetic surgery procedure that shrinks the pores and smoothens out the skin to leave patients looking fresh and rejuvenated
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Eyelid surgery can be performed on every eye expression type: whether it is doe eye, hollow eye, round or cocker eye, the surgery techniques are variable.
The different techniques used in aesthetic medicine can be performed on every zone of the face, whether it is forehead lines, the nose or under-eye circle
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Je vous informe avoir mis en place une reprise progressive des rendez-vous et de la chirurgie au bloc opératoire.
La téléconsultation sera maintenue le lundi et jeudi pour limiter vos déplacements. Elle sera facturée 50 euros.
Des mesures sanitaires sont mises en oeuvre pour garantir votre sécurité, une désinfection après chaque patient.
Toute l'équipe médicale est déjà formée aux règles d'hygiène et aux mesures barrières. Ces règles seront renforcées dès lundi.