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Vidéo du Dr.BernardHayot

Crow's feet injections

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Treating crow’s feet wrinkles with Botox injections

Crow’s feet wrinkles are caused by the action of the orbicularis muscle. When contracted, it forms furrows in the corner of the eye.

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Crow’s feet wrinkles injections

Facial expressions, like laughing and smiling, can create wrinkles that deepen over the years, which become more prominent when the skin loses its natural elasticity due to aging.

Anti Wrinkles Treatment injections are a highly-efficient remedy for treating these wrinkles when they are subtly administered. The challenge is to ensure the smile is not frozen and to avoid imbalance with the non-treated lower eyelid which would, in this case, appear more wrinkled.

Following a session of Anti Wrinkles Treatment injections to remedy crow’s feet wrinkles, the cutaneous break disappears gradually and the result is optimal after 8 days.


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