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Injectable products, implantable products : certifications and risks

Les produits injectables en médecine esthétique à Paris 8 - Dr Hayot

At a time when breast implants of dubious quality have been discovered, placed on the market and used in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery, the debate has shifted to the potential danger of aesthetic anti-wrinkle injections such as Anti Wrinkles Treatment (Anti Wrinkles Treatment that treats expression lines) and hyaluronic acid (volumizing filler treatment).

Highly-different rules

Free trade or marketing authorization

It is extremely important to note that the commercialization of breast implants (just like any other implantable medical device) is only subject to a prerequisite “CE” marking, under the responsibility of the manufacturers themselves, unlike injectable products (such as any medication) subject to a prerequisite marketing authorization (AMM in France).

As such, the strict mechanism of marketing authorization ensures better medical safety for patients than the simple “free trade”

Anti Wrinkles Treatment and hyaluronic acid, not in the same boat

Anti Wrinkles Treatment, an injectable product, widely used in aesthetic medicine for natural facial rejuvenation is, as such, tested and its innocuousness guaranteed by the health authorities prior to commercialization. The market is controlled and the Afssaps (French National Agency for the Health Safety of Health Products) remains vigilant in spite of the increase in the number of manufacturers and the diversification of these products.

As for hyaluronic acid, which falls under the “implantable products” category, it is only subject to “CE” marking. As such, the choice made by a reputed laboratory is crucial for patients to be assured of the highest level of safety.

Procurement should be made exclusively from a major laboratory

The ever-growing popularity of aesthetic medical injections led to numerous new products on the market which held, based on their category, a market authorization or a CE marking, with the effect of considerable commercial rivalry between manufacturers.

Notwithstanding, true to his quest for the most-efficient and safest facial rejuvenation techniques, Dr Bernard Hayot decided not to save on the price or the quality of the products proposed to his patients.

As regards Anti Wrinkles Treatment injections and hyaluronic acid injections, Dr Bernard Hayot has worked for many years with the Laboratoires Allergan, world leader of facial aesthetic products and Anti Wrinkles Treatment pioneer, and favours these products which are safe and widely-accepted.

This choice gives all his patients peace of mind, procuring products which have been used for such a long time throughout the world and for which clinical research is managed in France and involves French specialists, including Dr Bernard Hayot.

Aesthetic injections, never panic

As a result of the safety mechanism imposed by the health authorities, in addition to the choice of a reputed laboratory, there are no serious concerns concerning aesthetic medicine injections. For further information, please contact Dr Bernard Hayot’s secretariat.

Dr Bernard Hayot

Article rédigé par le Dr Bernard Hayot

Spécialisé dans la chirurgie des paupières et formé par les pionniers américains de la chirurgie oculoplastique, je propose des interventions uniques et calibrées pour chaque patient. Mon activité se partage à égalité entre chirurgie et médecine esthétique. Mes patients souhaitent de plus en plus des actes légers, sans suites visibles, mais aussi et surtout des résultats naturels, ne laissant pas deviner l’intervention.

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